So much wrong has been done and so many egregious crimes have been committed towards our fellow man. From the trickery of the lethal jab to the outright murders in the hospitals, the pain inflicted upon others seems unforgivable. But we have come to understand that we are in the middle of the battle of good versus evil. The devil has a very small army but because the earth his domain, he can entice, manipulate, and divert humans away from God. The fact is we are all God's children and just as any good parent would want their children to love each other, so does he. This means learning how to forgive. Of all the lessons God wants us to learn, this has to be the hardest in my opinion. It doesn't mean letting those who have gone astray to continue to perform vial acts, but instead lead them to God's grace and redemption. In the end it will be their choice and there will be earthly consequences as well as consequences from God. We should not try to do God’s job of judgment and punishment but instead do his will. God does not want us to harden our hearts. We need to learn to forgive and love like Jesus did hanging on the cross.
If anything, we should feel sorry for those who are asleep, lost, or killing through protocol. I think the majority of them think this is all normal, not evil, just following the process of daily life and jobs. They have completely disregarded God and are engrossed with the rules and following of man. If these people don't repent and wake up before they die, they will have a fate far worse than anyone has suffered on earth. Jesus said on the cross forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do. My body almost perished from lack of knowledge but what is worse is to have your soul perish from lack of knowledge and refusing to turn to God. I was mad but now I pity these people and pray for their sake they make the choice to repent and change their ways.
Whether they repent or not, God is just. He will not let those who did harm to go without punishment. I think when we die, we will feel the pain of each person we inflicted pain upon during our time on earth. Think of the multitude of pain some of these doctors/nurses will go thru. And if they don't repent and accept God, that suffering will last for eternity. With that being said, I have to remind myself these are God's children. If it were my children that lost their way, I would not want them to suffer from their lack of knowledge or refusal to do what is right and good. I can imagine God is hurt by the decisions of some of his children. But just as he did with Satan, God will not tolerate evil, and he will expel those who refuse his love.
My good friend Scott Schara's beautiful daughter was murdered, and he has forgiven those that implemented and enabled her death. When asked how he was able to forgive such a horrendous act he said it wasn't him who forgave but God. He turned everything over to God, even the forgiveness because God knows the hearts of each and every individual. By letting go any anger or resentment and allowing God to forgive through him, he has been able to do amazing things to honor the death of his daughter. He has brought awareness to what is going on in the hospitals, he has warned many and saved lives, he has reached the hearts of many who thought they were just doing a job. By forgiving, he is able to focus on the work God needs him to do and accomplish great things.
I have seen that God works through each person if they allow it. I have experienced his healing power of love through my husband, seen his forgiveness in Scott, even heard his words of faith and hope through friends I have never met. This time in life is all about choosing the right path. There are only two paths, good and evil. The path of God leads to a paradise, but the hike is difficult. The path of the devil is smooth and effortless but leads to a horrible wasteland. We have come to that fork in the road where we must choose. Some are just standing there refusing to take either path, but to survive you must move on. For me there is only one path to choose, and I hope to convince as many people as possible to join me. Look at the reward of the destination not the struggles of the journey.
The Earth is the devil's domain. He tries to manipulate everything God has created because he cannot create things himself. Although our bodies are of the earth, our souls are not. That's why the devil uses every material and corrupt thing to entice us and get us to take our focus off God. We are in a constant battle to turn away from every temptation the devil puts in front of us. The devil would have you believe you were put on earth to live your best life and make yourself happy at all costs. I believe we were put here to learn how to love selflessly and help our brothers and sisters to do the same. If living a righteous life was easy, everyone would be doing it, and everything would be perfect. In that case we would be a place called heaven.
-Greta Crawford